Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Chilli Analogy

I was talking to one my ex-uni/hall mate online. We were talking about church service. She told me she had a sudden emptiness in her heart probably becuase most of her friends are still in hall and they are preparing for their exams now. During the weekends, she'll be all alone. I invited her to come for our church celebration service. For quite some time, she has been amazed by some of our friends (including me) changed to the better when they became Christians. Was it the work of God or time? However, this curiousity has not been strong enough to overcome her stepping out of her comfort zone. Which is to meet new people and being in a place of "unknown" to her. Spontaneously, a thought came to my mind and I shared this with her.

For example you're a ketchup lover. All along you grew up having ketchup for your meals and everything. The friends around you told you that Chilli is something that is very hot. Not nice. From young, you got this fear of chilli. As time goes by, you make new friends and they happen to be chilli lovers. They shared with you that chilli spice up your life. Great stuff to add on to your food. There are also others who said that chilli is not nice at all. Though you're amazed by how your friends describe chilli and their facial expressions say it all, deep in you, you still have this fear of chilli. You have ketchup and you're living fine with it. Why should you risk trying something that will make you feel uncomfortable? Unless you yourself personally try taking chilli, you will never know how a chilli taste like. If you bring it to church service term, unless you yourself personally make the effort to experience it, you will never know the experience described by a fellow friend.

After sharing this with her, she told me that what I said really make her mind think. In fact she did not dare to take chilli since young until she reached university when she first tried it. After that, it was history. She loves chilli ever since then.

How many of us are like this? Heard of friends that something is good but didn't want to personally try it out due to fear of the unknown? Hope this little analogy will spur more people to experience "Chilli" themselves.=)


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