Thursday, February 15, 2007

Before the golden pig kicks in for this lunar new year

Some updates since my ICT ended a week ago.
- 2nd week of ICT zoomed past very fast. We were the 2nd company to use the newly built field camp site at Tekong. It is built on reclaimed land and it was very hot in the day and very cold at night. I think there is a difference of 2deg compared to mainland.

Qn: Where in Singapore can one get to watch firefly and shooting stars?
Ans: Tekong. Sigh, it always has to be at the wrong place and wrong time to be able to view such romantic stuff isn't it?

- made some new friends and also network around. Realised that quite a number of people are working in oil and gas related industries. As our batch are the JC batch, there are engineers, traders, auditors, programmers and businessmen and thus it is a good time of getting to know who is doing what and how one can help the other in the business world. Put in a way, Army helped us have a mass gathering once every year and we only have 3 more opportunities left! After that, we will have to do the coordination ourselves already.
- Thank God for helpful colleagues whom helped to handle my POs, enquiries and updating me what was going on during my reservist. It's a blessing that our company has such dedicated and helpful colleagues. =)
- One of my friends msn me say that at some angle, I resemble Haifeng (Adam) in the 7pm show. Hmmmm.... is it the case? coz a handful of friends and relatives have said so in the past.
- Still recovering from flu after ICT. Quite a number of my friends fall sick after ICT too. Probably cannot get used to the clean and fresh air. haha.
- This year's V-day was spent with my dear dear at the flower shop. Helped to spy on the new competitors at square 2 and believe next year's valentine there will be stiff competition.
- Thank God that ever since I started working, He has helped me overcome problems either through miraculous ways or using people to help me. Example, one customer ordered 2 stainless steel boxes which we got from our principal. The next day, he requested a change of size. Normally, there will be a surcharge for exchanging of items with our principal but I got the favour to be able to exchange FOC for this time. The items will be returned after CNY. However during lunchtime, I got a call from the customer saying that he will keep the current boxes and will still take the other 2 boxes. This means that i get twice the sales and also save the trouble of the administration of returning the boxes. Praise God!
- I am given the task of overseeing a big project that will run till 2008. Basically, I have to monitor the movement of stock from our principal (US and Spain to Singapore) and also to advise the boss of our profit margin through each transaction due to the different currency rates. If I'm able to handle this well, subsequent 4 more projects will be handled to me to oversee too. Need the wisdom and alertness from God to see me through!
- Come the year of the golden pig. The latter shall be greater! =)


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