Sunday, January 22, 2006

Food for thoughts 3 (regards to smoking)

Singapore Law states that it is an offence for anyone who is below 18 years old to smoke. Anyone who is caught smoking below that age will be fined $300.

Question: If you're a parent, and you report to the police that your child is smoking at home (coz no matter soft/hard methods that you try, the child still would not kick the habit), do you pay the $300? Wouldn't it be like going to the police and giving them $300 to give your child a warning?

Which scenario will you prefer? (sorry, no option c and to add on to the situation is that the frens that she brings home are all school dropouts. Not your normal guai kia.)

Option A: Your teenage daughter goes out and stays over at fren's house till the next day come back. You, as a parent, do not know where she is and what she's doing.

Option B: Your teenage daughter brings frens home (guys and girls) and sleep as though you run an orphanage. Many of them gather together to smoke in the toilet (when parents around) and smoke in her air-con room when parents not around.


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