Thursday, December 15, 2005

One way?

As I've always stressed that the Internet is a double-edged sword. We can get information on every positive and negative aspect on any issue. We should have an open mind to look at both sides of the picture.

Recently, a friend of mine has recently gone full time to a multi-level marketing company and it has changed his character significantly. It has made him more confident & positive compared to previously being grumpy, calculative and likes to complain alot. I was quite impressed with the products that he sells but not so impressed with the PLAN.

To cut things short, I bought a few of his organic products (shampoo and toothpaste) to try it out to see if there is really a difference and whether should I switch my alliance from my faithful darlie and body shop products. I'm still in the testing stage but I feel the products are good but NOT extraordinary.

I went online to reserach more about the company and the products but surprisingly I read more about the negative issues and not much was said about the products. The link below pretty describes how my friend first spoke to me and relating to me how the PLAN works and even the answers to counter some of the negative thoughts that people have.
(View the site with caution if you're in a MLM company as it'll stumble your "faith")

Upon surfing further, watched a video commentary on that company. Really interesting. How the top people do not make most of the money from the products but from training tools and audio tapes that they have made. Though they emphasise that it's 100% voluntary, they would say it's 100% necessary for your success. For those interested, click the link below and go to the 3rd point where the video link is.
(Again, view the site with caution as it'll stumble your "faith even more if you're not "strong")

I really hope my friend is not too caught up with wanting to have the "luxury life", uncommon freedom, wanting to retire at age 39. If he does succeed, he'll be the 1-3% of the people who have joined the company. Probably to me, 97% is too risky for me and I choose to lead a simple life. Joining MLM and climbing up that so called entrepreneur ladder is not THE WAY or ONLY WAY, I believe there are other ways that people will feel successful in their own way, happy in their own way.

For those who read the link, would appreciate if next time your friends approach you, you can show your concern by asking some of the questions that are still unanswered (or answered very vaguely to brush it off) and if they really know what they are getting into. As long as they have chosen the path after much serious thoughts and not on impulse, I'll only wish my friends the best. Even if they succeed, I'll not be envy and jealous coz I've made my decision not to purse their way. =)


At 12/15/2005 10:56 PM, Blogger Jing Xian said...

Never try their mooncakes! Eeekss!!!


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