Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Food for thoughts 1

Have you ever wondered there is such a thing called conscience or sense of guilt?
Does it exist in everyone's heart?

It sets me thinking when I attended service last sat and talked about few things.
1. Does a gambler REALLY know that it's not good to gamble at the back of his mind?
2. Does a smoker REALLY know that it's not good to smoke?
3. Does a drinker REALLY know that it's not good to drink?
Then why do they still do so if they do?

Escape from reality?
Release stress?

I think all these will just serve their temporary pleasures but in the long run, they are just destroying themselves.
Gamble will make u bankrupt if you gamble excessively
Smoking will cause u have lung cancer
Drinking will cause u have liver cancer
All these also cause addictions which are very hard to shake off with your own will. Have heard testimonies and frens saying that after they receive Christ into their hearts, naturally and gradually they kicked the habit with 100% success (with the people i know). I myself was also drawn into gambling due to the world cup 2002 with singapore pools legalizing bets. Though I have no debts, my fingers were burnt when the loss amounted to about 1k (consolidated amount). However, I thank God that He somehow gave me the willpower to kick the habit gradually. Was amazed by the fact that I could just let go of seeing my losses and not think about that. Instead, I had the thought that if I betted one more time in soccer, it will just cause a vicious cycle which will make me lose even more money.
There is no such thing as CONTROL in the above 3 things i mentioned. It can apply when you're mentally & physically ok BUT how about times when we are at our lowest morale? Will just lose that control and on impulse or unintentionally exceed the limit that you set yourself.

What do you think?


At 11/28/2005 7:22 PM, Blogger khal said...

I think everyone still has a choice. But they continue choosing the things that are bad for them coz in their mind, they rationalized and discounted the negative effects of those things, most of the time unknowingly.
Reminds me of the 'lean not on your own understanding' verse.
I still know God-fearing ppl who still smokes. I cannot understand why. I've given up on them quitting actually.

Cancer is very common nowadays. Smoke or not, it strikes anyone.

At 11/29/2005 1:08 AM, Blogger Jing Xian said...

I'm still within control. Except for excessive playing of gunbound, excessive dieting, excessive shopping. Which are still bound to happen to be occasionally.

Excessive of certain things is damaging. But I never feel that low before. I might not understand the difficulty to exercise control.

At 11/29/2005 2:02 AM, Blogger tornado said...

hmmm....cancer may be common nowadays but smoking & drinking definitely increases the chances of hitting. I left the article which i read from ST in the tutorial room while preparing for my last paper. if not, i would have scanned it in.


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