Tuesday, June 06, 2006

A little note from my lil sis

Last Sunday my parents went to visit my lil sis. My dad said that there were a few girls in the waiting room during the visit. Those were the ones whose parents were late or didn't come to visit them. I guess the girls in the room must be feeling very very sad because this is the only half an hour for a week or two that one gets to see her family member. I reflected upon this and ask myself this question, "Have I been taking my love ones for granted? Not spending enough time talking to them or accompanying them?". It's always the case when these things are taken away from you that you start to learn how to cherish them.

My dad told me that the following 2 consecutive sundays, we are able to visit her. I guess my parents would love to go but they will be going Norway for their 2nd "honeymoon" this coming thursday. It's me and my other sis's turn to go and visit her, showing support. My dad gave me a note she made for me after the visit. I guess this is the very first note my lil sis had written to me in my life. In the note, she told me not to worry about her and she'll take care of herself. Hmmm...... looking at the note, another point came into my mind. Every item in Girls' home is precious to them. Even paper, pencils are luxury items (I mean how many of us these things like dirt?). Even toiletries like bar soap, each person is entitled to 1 bar per month. If you use up before the month ends, don't think the people in charge will give you an extra one (Imagine the rest of the month, either you borrow from other people's bar soap or you bathe without soaping yourself).

This coming weekend will be a very different one. Firstly, it is home alone (not really la, still got my other sis LR) without my parents. Have to feed the fishes, dog and water the plants. Clean the house. Visit my lil sis with LR. Going to work alone. I think this is also a time where we will physically feel the importance of our parents and how much we will miss them while they're enjoying themselves overseas.


At 6/08/2006 7:28 AM, Blogger Paw said...

YO I'm back! Very touched by the card ur lil sis gave u but amused by it too! (the part about reminding u to complain) great to know u're doing well.. :> let u in my blogging world next time..


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