Wednesday, May 31, 2006


It has been exactly 2 weeks since I last submitted my post. Wanted to post alot of my feelings my thoughts but it was either I
i) reached home too late and tired to blog or
ii) I was at home but was not in the mood to blog at that moment of time.

Last friday we had a mini welcome party at one of my friend's house to welcome new members in our section so that we can get to know each other better. God not just made everyone to have a relationship with Him but also to live in a community with His people. In this party, it is a way of building up this community and also letting them know about covenental relationship. The party had very fun games and good food. I shared my testimony on how many fellow cell members prayed alongside with me when I faced with problems and even regarding my little sister. Yes, I know that I have my fellow brothers and sisters who are there keeping my little sis in prayer. I shared until I almost wanted to break down because my family is very close to my heart. I felt emotionally spent after the sharing but I believe God has used me to impact the people around me. I felt so paiseh after that because very few people get to see this side of me.

Last saturday went for the Da Vinci Conspiracy service. I could say that the preacher was very good in summarizing the whole movie. He said that the author of the book used real people in a fictional setting and through a smart way of twisting and using of words that it made what's real and what's false in a state of confusion. To know more about it, can visit . I just want to point out that the bible wasn't created or compiled by Constantine but the Bible is
i) Written over a span of 1500 years
ii) Written by different people
iii) Written in 3 different languages
iv) It talked about 1 central theme (The love of God for Man)

If one don't believe in apologetics (study of defending your faith), or Bible; few more reasons for you to believe:
i) History verifies it;
ii) Archeology supports it;
iii) Prophecy proves it; and lastly
iv) Lives EXPERIENCE it.

Today my little sis's counsellors came to my house for house visit. My parents were there to welcome them. They came to find out more about the background, about the living conditions at home and also to advise what to do what not to do when my little sis gets to "book out" during the weekend in a month's time. When they were looking at my little sis's room, my dad told me that my mum almost cried even while showing them her room. Hmmm.... think I inherit the emotional genes from my mum, always so easy to get emotional when talking/thinking about things that are dear to our heart. Hmmm..... this coming sunday my parents going to visit my little sis one more time before going off for their 30th anniversary (2nd honeymoon) to Europe for 2 weeks. My dad going to personally cook for her fish soup to eat during the visit. The next visit would be my done by my sister and I. Hope can wake up early enough on a Sunday morning to visit her. ;p kidding.


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