Saturday, September 22, 2007


Another week has past. This coming week is also the beginning of the one week break for NTU folks. Ever since I started working, I've lost track of exam seasons, school holidays unless i personally ask my NTU friends. To many of those who have started work, they missed school days. For me, even though i missed the school days(more flexibility in time management) I would still prefer work anytime. I do not like studying for subjects which doesn't apply in my working world, not to mention having exams!

Anyway, early this week as I was pulling out some cable drums for delivery for the rig project in Tuas, there was a termites invasion at the bottom of 3 of the cable drums. Immediately, Hassim (the guy manning the forklift who is very helpful too) came to the rescue. He took a pail of water mixed with kerosene (or diesel) and a broom to the infected area. He dipped the broom into the mixture and applied it on the termite nest and the infected wooden planks. Immediately, you can see that the termites are fleeing for their lives. There was a huge pile of sand and wooden grains consolidated after the after that. He said that these are both brought up from the ground below (due to the crack on the cement) and churning on the wooden planks on the cable drums.

At that time, i was asking God, how come He didn't protect the drums and causing so much inconvenience.

I proceeded on to delivering the rest of the requested cables that were not infected and asked the termite control team to come and exterminate the pest. They came the next day and replied that we are lucky to spot the termites early because it seems that they just inhabited 1-2weeks recently. If we were to spot them one or 2 weeks later, the results will be worse because termites eat up wood very fast.

It was then that I felt God telling me that He let this happen because He wants me to know that He is in control and He is always there. Most of the time, we do things with succession and feel that it's due to OUR own strength and capabilities. Termites came and invade without anyone's notice. If He didn't intervene (using my customer to request for that particular drum), we would still be ignorant about it. Thus, it brings us back to reality that He is in control and always wants to partner with us in whatever we do. So that we will always give the glory to God and not onto ourselves. Thank God for one week that has past and it further makes me say that God is good!


At 9/24/2007 8:33 AM, Blogger Jing Xian said...

Eewwww.. Termites!!

Thank God for notifying you!! They may be too scary beyond control if they continue to breed and multipy there!

At 10/16/2007 9:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes just encountered God's teaching in an unexpected way too =)


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