Monday, November 13, 2006

In His timing

After last saturday, I understood why I was recalled to report to camp and stayed till dawn the next day. I was supposed to bring a friend to church that very saturday and I was asking God how come this happened. What if my friend changed her mind not to go the following week?

But God's ways is indeed higher then our ways. My friend came last saturday and witnessed many people's Water Baptism and also heard their testimonies. Through those testimonies and also the skit brought out by the preacher, I believe God had used those to speak to my friend. Even though I wasn't around to accompany her because I was serving the sound booth, my girlfriend and my fellow cell members made her feel welcomed. She told me she was feeling down and needed the peace. After the service, she joined us for supper and even thanked us for bringing her for service. She said that she felt calm and better after that and she may want to come for this coming Saturday's service too!

Seems like end of year is full of weddings. Attended a JC friend's wedding in October. Attended another one last saturday afternoon. Going to attend a primary school friend's wedding this december. The couple even has a blog to pin down all the preparations and thoughts.


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