Thursday, November 09, 2006


Yesterday morning, I received a SMS from mindef. It says: "Your NSpay will be paid on 111106. To know the amt reply to ....... "

I followed the instructions and this was what was sent back "Your NS payment is $20.53". So much for burning my weekend and many many other people's weekend and this is the amount we are paid. I think those working shift work from saturday 3pm to sunday morning 6am is paid at least 3-4 times the amount. Well... should have expected this amount of payment since it's the "rush to wait, wait to rush" organisation, but anyone who had their weekend burnt in such a way would complain.

To think on the bright side, another friend of mine who is in the same platoon as me, his NSpayment is $15. I also don't understand why I got $5 more. haha.


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